RPSI Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International
The RPSI registry administration and judges tour for 3 months each year and personally inspect every single foal that is presented for registration. They evaluate conformation, movement, type, and temperament and foals are rated in relevance to the ideal. Foals are inspected keeping all FEI disciplines in mind, and by the same judges worldwide, which ensures the equality of those evaluations. The RPSI is actually the official North American extension of the German Verband, the Pferdezuchterverband Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar e.V. RPSI (Deutsches Sportpferd, formerly called Zweibrücker) horses receive official passport-style registration papers from Germany, as well as a Life Number, are branded and microchipped. They are DNA tested and entered into the German database of sport horses (VIT). North American horses registered with the RPSI are eligible to compete and breed in Germany, under the same rules as the horses born in Germany, and breeders here get input, advice, and a critique from the same German judges and officials who are actually overseeing the direction of sport horse breeding in Germany. For more information on the RPSI please follow this link. http://www.rhpsi.com/default.asp
August 12th, 2016 Edenhof was pleased to host the RPSI Keurig in Virginia, once again! We had a good day of inspection, and a fun time of fellowship with our fellow horsemen! Please feel free to join us next year if you can! this slide show gives a sneak peek at what to expect!→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJYeLqbCJ8
♦contact us to make arrangements, we are always glad to help you! ( Visitors welcome even if you are not presenting horses!)
2015 RPSI Inspections at Edenhof
August 12th, 2015. Hope you enjoy the picture show of our 2015 Keurig. It was quite an informative and enjoyable event, that we were happy to host. Met some wonderful new folks this year and had a great time working hard together! Look forward to seeing you all next year!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1z3YpUhlVk ←click link to view video!
- V. Pr. St. Dekadence at 3 years! GOLD Premium
RPSI 2015 Keurig Results -Top Honors
as published in Warmbloods Today Magazine Jan/Feb 2016